Meeting Minutes

Wednesday May 4, 2022

The Board Met Virtually at 6PM


Gabrielle Oldham             Michael Morgan                               Katie Kranich

John Bennett                     Ron Anderson                                   Kathie Jarmon

Rob Feldt                             Dori Murphy


Gabrielle brought the meeting to order at 6:04PM. 

Motion: John motioned that Katie be added to the Forestry Board as a full member.  Dori seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

The April minutes were reviewed.

Treasurer’s report

1)      John reported that two checks that were previously approved were written:

a.       $100 to reimburse John for the Garden Mart registration.

b.      $32.50 to John for mileage reimbursement.

2)      Rob located the additional checks—there are plenty.

Big Tree Program Update:

John gave the county report, and details are provided below:

John made a “cold visit” to the property owner of BT-2399, an American beech, that was due to be re-measured.  The owner had not responded to the January mailing, but was home at the time of his visit.  Her husband had died in January and she had been dealing with a multitude of related issues.  She agreed to sign a new form and to allow him to re-measure the tree while he was there.  The tree had lost a huge lower limb which had sheared off a significant portion of the lower trunk.  John discussed that the tree was now very hazardous, and could be at high risk to be toppled by a wind storm.  The owner recognized the danger but requested it be re-measured, which John did, and found it had lost a few points but still qualified. 



Statewide Big Tree News:

State-wide, 35 trees were either measured or re-measured.  All but three were in Central Maryland Region.  One new State Champion was measured, a Virginia pine at Marshy Hope Park and Nature Center.  It is the tallest Virginia pine ever recorded in Maryland in the 97 years of data collection, and apparently the tallest in the United States based on a review of mid-Atlantic state databases.  It appears to be significantly larger in total points than the current U. S. champion in Virginia.  It was discovered by Marc Lipnick of the Baltimore County Forestry Board.

John also discussed the Big Tree Committee meeting held on April 8th.  John indicated the committee wants more oversight—who measures the tree?  How do we get it listed?  John says that in certain parts of the state, there are few BT volunteers available to measure.  When this is the case, the BT committee prefers to measure several trees at once, when a lot of travel is involved.  Thus increased time between contact with the landowner and when the measurements occur, is possible. 

NRCC Update: Gabrielle gave the NRCC camp update:

·         Gabrielle gave the report on NRCC and said Acting State Forester—Anne Strang—had inquired about a Towson University student’s potentially being a counselor at NRCC.  She said this student could potentially shadow her.  The TU student has an interest in urban forestry and volunteered with groups in Balt. City.  He could potentially be Gabe assistant at Camp.

·         Gabrielle spoke with Janice Hoover to discuss logistics—night staff availability, food, etc.

·         She reported that 8 counselors are lined up, and that staff are getting into place.

·         She’ll be sending out letters to families and will need vaccine records.

·         32 kids have been accepted.

·         She also wonders if they have filled Harry Spiker’s old position yet to cover bear biology.

·         This will be the 50th ANNIVERSARY OF NRCC!

Website Update:

Ron gave the update:

·         He reported that last month’s minutes are not posted yet.

·         Gabe says the NRCC page looks good.

Old Business:

·         The Garden Market was discussed, and there was overall a good turnout, and the location on-site was good.  Dori inquired if it’s possible for us to rethink the interactive leaf display, and if it’s possible to include some other trees instead of just all oak?  Gabrielle suggests flowering trees.  Kathie remarked that there were plenty of folks to talk, but that there were a good number of seedlings left.

New Business:

John stated that he is no longer in charge of volunteers for MBTC.

Michael found a large mockernut hickory on a local trail with a 4 foot diameter.


The meeting was adjourned approximately 7:35PM.

The next meeting will be held on June 1st at 6PM.