Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Black Hill Ranger Station




Gabrielle Oldham                    John Bennett

Ron Anderson                         Dori Murphy

Michael Morgan                      Tom Frederick




Cecil/State Big Tree Program Update:


Dori, John and Kathie measured trees on November 13, 2016 in Cecil County.  Ron had obtained permission forms for several of the trees.  John presented pictures of the trees measured.


The Board will need to remeasure the weeping beech in Elkton at the cemetery as soon as ownership is determined.


Michael is going to try to locate trees in ENSP that he has seen in the past as soon as hunting season winds down.


Report on State Association Meeting:


Tom and John went over the high points of the State Association meeting.  This included pending legislative bills for the upcoming General Assembly session.  At this point there is not really much affecting Forestry except for previously submitted bills on local Forest Conservation Act and Roadside Tree issues.


Bob Tatman, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Forest Pest Director talked about different pests in the State.  Bob will be retiring in December. 


Gypsy Moth is still around in some small areas, mainly in southern Maryland. 


He reported that Thousand-canker Disease on walnut may not be as virulent in the East, as it is in the Western US.  Trees don’t seem to be dying because of it.


Emerald Ash Borer will soon be statewide, if it isn’t already.  Location testing is no longer being done by MDA.


There is some Southern Pine Beetle activity on the lower Shore.


It was confirmed that Forestry Board agenda’s and minutes must be posted now.


John gave his excellent presentation on State Big Tree Program at the meeting.


Connie Hoge, very active Carroll County boardmember, attended the meeting.  She has been very ill for the last year.  She looked well and was very active as usual.  Unfortunately Connie passed away several weeks later.  Gabrielle put together a group of pictures of Connie and sent them to other Boards and the Association.  Gabrielle presented the pictures at the Cecil Forestry Board meeting.


Cecil FB Website Update:


Ron presented the changes to the website format that is currently attached to the current website for review.  Click on the “New Site” link.  The Board liked the new format very much.  Minutes and agendas will be posted to the site.  Once more information gets added to the new website, Ron will delete the “old” site.


New Business:


Tom will send out minutes for approval by email.  If you wish to propose any changes to the minutes, please forward the changes to all boardmembers for review in a reasonable amount of time.


Kevin Schaus, intern for NRCC, would like to meet on Tuesday, January 3rd to discuss NRCC.  The Board agreed to meet Kevin on this date (different from normal date).  Tom will not be able to attend but will provide someone with a key to the office.