Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Black Hill Ranger Station




Gabrielle Oldham                    Dori Murphy              

Ron Anderson                         Kathie Jarmon

Michael Morgan                      Tom Frederick

John Bennett                          


Report on NRCC:


Gabrielle gave a presentation with pictures of this year’s camp.  42 students were originally chosen to attend, however 4 declined to attend at the last minute.  Outdoors Maryland (PBS TV show) filmed for a segment.  DNR Secretary Belton, Assistant Secretary Anthony and State Forester Van Hassent attended for a day.  Very successful week except for a few minor medical issues.  The two Cecil students did very well.


Cecil/State Big Tree Program Update:


A couple large trees have been lost due to storms this summer.  One, a southern red oak from the tornado on the eastern shore and second, a chestnut oak was struck by lightning in Severna Park.  John participated in a Baltimore Sun article on the southern red oak.


The southern red oak was just re-measured by John, Kathie and Dori approximately one month ago.


On this same measuring trip to the shore, an incident occurred on another property involving a landowner’s dogs.  The landowner had several large, playful dogs.  When Dori was carrying the tools to measure a tree, one of the dogs grabbed Dori’s arm (just playing), and opened a cut on Dori’s forearm.  After attending to the cut and measuring trees, the group decided to call a friend with the Cecil Health Department and get advice.  Dori needed to go to a doctor and get the cut cleaned properly.  She also needed to get information on the dogs so they could be quarantined (State regulation).  There seems to be no complications to this injury as Dori is doing fine.  However it does show that forms/issues like volunteer sign in sheets, being an official Forestry Board member and landowner permission forms could have become important had there been complications.  


Two new species were found, a live oak on the shore and a Carolina cherry laurel on UMES.


John has made 2 trips to Patterson Park in Baltimore City and measured about 25 trees.  This project started with an intern for the Baltimore City Forestry Dept. mapping every tree in Patterson Park. 


John received a permission form for a loblolly pine in Colora that Ron had located the owner.  John will need to get assistance to measure the tree.


Website Update:


Ron has requested more information on completed projects in the past for the new format of the website.  He will again start working on the new county website after his recent family trip to Sweden to visit his daughter’s family.


Also requested were some websites on insect/disease issues in the County.  Tom will send some of these.


Most of the Big Tree Info is up to date.


Gabrielle will send photos of this year’s Camp students.


New Business:


John and Dorothy’s pollinator garden is working well with many interesting observations on species and effectiveness.


John is again working the State Fair this year on Labor Day.


Michael has reported some problems with River Birch.  If you see any river birch with problems, let him know.  He would like to figure out what the issue is.


Gabrielle will work with the Harford Board to possibly set up a joint Board picnic.