Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Black Hill Ranger Station




Gabrielle Oldham                    Dori Murphy

Ron Anderson                         Kathie Jarmon

Michael Morgan                      Tom Frederick



Treasurer’s Report:


Submitted by Tom Frederick


No change to accounts since last month’s discussion.



Kammerzelt Forest Retention Area(FRA) Timber Harvest Plan(THP) Review:


Tom presented the Kammerzelt FRA THP with the Cecil County Planning & Zoning comments included to the Board.  The Board reviewed and approved the Plan developed by Stoltzfus Forest Products (Danny Davis, consultant forester) by a 5-0 vote.  Tom will send out appropriate notifications to interested parties.



Edward Manor III Subdivision Forest Retention Area (FRA) Timber Harvest Plan (THP) Review:


Tom presented the Edward Manor III Subdivision FRA THP with the Cecil County Planning & Zoning comments included.  Cecil County P & Z raised an issue with the long term protective agreement on part of the Forest Retention Area.  The Board reviewed and gave conditional approval of the Plan by a 5-0 vote.  The condition is that final approval will not be given until all concerns of Cecil County P & Z are addressed.  Tom will notify the consultant forester.


Poster Contest Judging:


The Cecil Board received 9 poster entries from 2 schools.  (North East and Bainbridge)  The Board chose a winner and runner up.  Tom will get the winning poster to Anne Gilbert by the Feb 21 deadline.


New Business:


The State Association meeting will be on Saturday, March 3rd.  Boardmembers will need to work through email to see who will be attending and carpooling.  If you haven’t signed up yet, you should contact Anne Gilbert.