Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Black Hill Ranger Station






Gabrielle Oldham                   Kathie Jarmon

Ron Anderson                         Dori Murphy

Michael Morgan                     Tom Frederick

John Bennett              



Treasurer’s Report:


Submitted by Tom Frederick


Board discussed and approved treasurer’s report.

NRCC Update:


Gabrielle reported that the week went basically good.  The weather cooperated throughout the week.


Several students went home during the week due to illness and probably not being ready to be away from home.


NRCC staff and student advisors did a great job. 


Gabrielle will have pictures next meeting.



Timber Harvest Plan Reviews


Zook Forest Retention Area Timber Harvest Plan


The Board reviewed and voted 6-0 to approve the Zook THP.


Cochran Critical Area Timber Harvest Plan


The Board reviewed and voted 6-0 to recommend approval to Cecil County Division of Planning and Zoning on the Cochran THP.


Tom will mail out notifications to appropriate offices.


Tom went over a letter received from the County regarding a previous Forest Retention Area harvest review. It concerned the Edward Manor III Plan review.  The County received complaints and inspected the harvest.  Although they found no violations in the 5 acres the Board reviewed, other areas contained sediment and erosion violations, harvesting in areas not covered by the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and harvesting in Forest Retention Areas not covered by the Board’s 5 acre review.  It is unclear at this point if the Maryland Department of the Environment will review/sanction the sediment/erosion violations.  But at this point the County has stopped any future development activities until the landowner complies with many conditions regarding their Forest Conservation Plan.



Big Tree Program


John reported that it was a very busy early summer for the state and local Big Tree Program.  45 trees were measured across the State.  11 trees were measured in Cecil County including 6 County Champions.  Kathie, Dori and John measured the trees primarily in the southern portion of Cecil County.    He presented pictures of the Cecil trees and trees measured at Towson State University.   


John reported that the State Committee is trying to meet to resolve a couple of continuing issues.               



Website Update:


Ron has updated general information on the website.  He will need to get pictures from recent local Big Tree measurements and NRCC to add to the website.



New Business:


Kathie reported that one of the lights on the electronic board is out and could not be fixed easily.  She suggested to just continue to use the board.  If more lights go out then she can ask her friend to fix it, but not necessarily for no charge.  Her friend donated all of the components and labor last time and she would feel better being able to offer some payment this time, if needed.  The Board agreed.


Michael and Tom reported that there is work going on in the Gramies Run planting at Fair Hill NRMA.  It is distressing to see trees removed that the Board spent a lot of effort getting established in a successful planting.  It looks like about 25 feet along one side and 10 feet along the other side of Gramies Run were cleared to implement a stream restoration project.  It is hoped these areas will be replanted and these projects will provide long term benefits to the watershed.  There was some skepticism expressed. 


Tom handed out re-appointment certificates to Gabrielle, Ron, Michael and John.