Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Black Hill Ranger Station




Gabrielle Oldham        Kathie Jarmon

Ron Anderson             Tom Frederick

John Bennett               Michael, Amy and Lauren Gilbert

Michael Morgan                     


Treasurer’s Report:


Submitted by Tom Frederick.  Those present discussed current financial status.


NRCC Student Interview:


The Board interviewed a prospective student for NRCC.  The interview went well and Gabrielle will notify the student of their selection. 


Ron reported that he has discussed a possible NRCC student funding grant with the Elkton VFW.  Gabrielle will develop a grant proposal letter.


Steffy Family LLC Critical Area Harvest Review:


The Board voted to recommend approval to Cecil County of the Plan, 4-0 with one abstention.  One comment was to recommend that the harvest occur outside the FIDS breeding season (April 1 to July 31). Tom will send out the notifications.


Update on Big Tree Program:


John and Kathie measured/remeasured trees at multiple locations in Cecil County on a very cold November 18th.  The Calvert Oak had good growth to remain the State Champion white oak. John tried his best, but could not contact an owner of a nice Willow Oak in Charlestown.


John and Joli McCathran visited multiple counties to assist them in getting their remeasurements done in November.  47 trees were measured/remeasured.  In one case, a landowner from Harford County sent a nice letter to DNR Secretary Belton appreciating the Big Tree volunteers.


John will send out the permission form assignments for remeasurements in 2019.


Website Update:


Ron reported no major changes.  He requested new pictures/stats for the updated County Champions.


New Business:


Tom informed the Board that once Wayne Merkel’s retirement takes effect, Kenneth Jolly, Associate Director will temporarily take over Regional Forester duties in the Central Region.  This is similar to what occurred in the Eastern Region recently and that process took about 3-4 months to fill the position. 


The next meeting will be on January 2, 2018.