Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Black Hill Ranger Station




Gabrielle Oldham        Dori Murphy

Ron Anderson             Kathie Jarmon

John Bennett               Tom Frederick



Treasurer’s Report:


Treasurer Tom Frederick presented the current financial stauts to the board members.  The board then discussed how to make the best use of available funds, and what monies will be needed for projects now and in the forseeable future.


Yoder Forest Retention Area THP Review:


Tom presented the Yoder Plan to the Board including about 32 acres being harvested in a Forest Retention Area.  The Board voted 5-0 to approve the Plan (depending upon receipt of additional documentation from the project forester).  He will send out the appropriate notifications to the appropriate people/agencies.


Update on Big Tree Program:


John and John Hudock have been measuring trees at Elk Neck State Park.  Ron and John are working on a way to develop a map of all the trees in the Park.  It will then be presented to Park management to make available and put online. Tom can help John get through the gate to measure a tree near the end of Turkey Point. 


Dori and Kathie are going to measure trees in Cecil County on December 15th.


John and Kathie went over some proposed policy changes at the State level and the State meeting to deal with these proposals.  These were sent out to Board members previously.  The Board voted unanimously to continue as we have been doing at the County level.


The Board voted unanimously to donate $50 to the Big Tree State Program for postage.


Website Update:


Ron added last month’s minutes and some pictures.  He also wants to make sure the County and State Big Tree websites information matches.


New Business:


Dori noticed some severe damage to trees in the local Christmas tree farm where she buys her tree due to the drought.




Next Meeting:             January 8, 2019