Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Meeting Held Through Email Due to Coronavirus Restrictions




Gabrielle Oldham       Dori Murphy

Ron Anderson             Kathie Jarmon

Michael Morgan         Tom Frederick

John Bennett                                      


Treasurer’s Report:


Cecil Bank


Tom reported on financial status.  Very few changes from last month.



Update on Big Tree Program:


John reported:


For Cecil County, I responded to one inquiry; from a citizen who wanted to nominate a tree not on her property.  I told her due to COVID, we do not make home visits.  I suggested she provide me with an address and I could find the owner’s name on SDAT, but it be faster if she made contact with the owner. I have not heard anything since.



  In Maryland volunteers measured or re-measured 20 trees, as follows:

9-3-20              White oak                 Dellegnello, Kay            Frederick         328                  re-m    

----------            Pin oak                     ------------------------        -----------          245                  new     FCC

9-11-20            Yellow poplar           McCathran, Barker       Baltimore        352                  re-m

----------            Yellow poplar          -----------------------          -------------        313                  new

-----------          Baldcypress              -----------------------          -------------        302                  re-m     BCC

-----------          White oak                 -----------------------          -------------        279                  re-m

-----------          White oak                 -----------------------          -------------        303                  re-m

9-22-20            Red maple                 Tim Pilesky    Historic St. Mary’s City267                 new     STMC

9-23-20            Black oak                   Celeste Maiorana         Washington     287                  new

9-25-20            Am. Hornbeam    Dellegnello, Kay et al        Frederick         111                  new     FRED

-----------          Persimmon                  ----------------------        --------------       137                  new     FRED

------------         unknown oak              ----------------------        --------------       tbd                   new

------------         Bigleaf magnolia         ----------------------        --------------       183                  new     MSC

------------         Chestnut oak               ----------------------        --------------       356                  new     MSC

9-25-20            Yellow poplar             Sherring, Bennett        Baltimore        377                  new

------------         Pin oak                        -----------------------       Harford           297                  new     HCC

------------         Littleleaf linden          -----------------------       ----------            238                  new

------------         Red pine                      -----------------------       -----------          88                    new     HCC

------------         White oak                    -----------------------       ----------            354                  re-m

------------         Hackberry                   -----------------------       -----------          265                  new     HCC



The unknown oak’s ID is being evaluated by Jim Bardsley.  It appears to be a hybrid.  The bigleaf magnolia is the new Maryland State Champion but does not qualify for U. S. Champion status since it is a double leader.  The chestnut oak is a State co-champion with a tree in Cecil County.  Neither is eligible for U.S. Championship as both are double leaders.  We agreed to allow Mr. Pilesky measure the red maple as it would cost too much to drive down to St. Mary’s City for one tree.  The Harford pin oak is a county co-champion.


In addition to the 20 trees registered, there were 4 trees measured that did not qualify due to size standards.  During the month I worked by email with three owners whose trees ultimately did not qualify due to size.  We are trying to encourage owners to do some of the preliminary work (circumference, ID, photos) to avoid unnecessary trips.


Joli and Lawrence Hunter visited the former Woman’s Institute complex in Ellicott City to collect missing GPS data.  She also responded to a request from a relative of a deceased big tree owner. 


Natural Resources Career Conference (NRCC) Update:


Gabrielle reported that the NRCC website will have 2021 applications available in January.


Website Update:


Ron reported that:


Added October agenda as the most current.

No Cecil County Champion Trees have been superceded.

Website links are still current.


Would like to get data concerning past (completed) projects.

Any suggestions for website improvement would be welcomed.


New Business:


The Board voted to hold off on ordering give away seedlings for next Spring. The Board lost $325 last year due to Covid restrictions.  The issue will be looked at in future months to try to determine the likelihood of being able to give away seedlings next Spring.


Tom reported:


The logger at ENSP was working at Aberdeen Proving Ground for two weeks.  They started back at the Park on October 5th. They made pretty good progress with the dry weather.  But next week we are supposed to have substantial rain, so it will probably slow down again.


Best Management Practice reviews on private land will be starting on any newly approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plans after October 1st.


The State Association meeting will be on Thursday, October 29th and will be virtual due to continuing DNR work/meeting restrictions.  For information you can contact Anne Gilbert.


Next Meeting:                        November 4, 2020