Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Meeting Held Through Email Due to Coronavirus Restrictions




Gabrielle Oldham       Dori Murphy

Ron Anderson             Kathie Jarmon

Michael Morgan         Tom Frederick

John Bennett                                      


Treasurer’s Report


Tom presented the Treasurer’s Report, and all reviewed current status of available funds.


Update on Big Tree Program:


John reported:


Last month I reported that all Cecil re-measurement permissions were mailed.  I have now received back 3 of the 6. 


I received a nice letter from Nancy (Brown) DiAngelo thanking us again for bringing pleasure to her late mother and father (Avis and Carleton) by measuring their two trees in 2011 in Perryville.  Nancy and her husband have built a new house in Chestertown near the Chester River and invited us to stop by if we’re down that way. 


The Browns’ old house is now a rental.  I also have permission for the basswood in Rising Sun and the holly in Perryville (Katherine Wein’s old house).  The State Champion Norway maple that used to belong to Dave Wherry in Rising Sun is dead.  I drove in there a couple of days ago; nobody around, but the stump of the tree is next to the driveway and it looks like someone has tried to burn it out.  I’ll probably just move it to the “Deceased” file; doubt if the new owners will respond.  I may make a home visit for the other two owners this Sunday. 


I visited Dori; we agreed to try to set a date to measure the trees in Perryville.  I need to begin to work my way physically back into field work, and all three of those trees (holly, dogwood, saucer magnolia) are as easy as it gets.


At the State level, we started with 188 trees to re-measure (some left over from 2020).  Eight trees are confirmed dead; 2 trees have already been re-measured, and 27 trees are on public property.  That left 151 trees needing permission forms.


Volunteers have mailed 93, or 62%, leaving 58 still to do.  The bulk is in four subdivisions and we’re trying to encourage them to get them done.


 Signed forms trickle in each day.  To date I have, or know of, 45 that have been returned (so about half).  As usual, it’s the new owners who are not responding.


The new State website went on line 2/8/21.  Response has been much stronger than expected.  Ken and Joli have received much deserved praise.  The new site is complicated and takes some practice to use it quickly.  If anyone is having trouble, let me know and I’ll try to help make it easier.


Natural Resources Career Conference (NRCC) Update:


The Education Committee has been meeting every other week to be ready for Camp & Covid. Our next meeting is this Monday, the day before the State Association meeting.


I have researched and written a Safety Plan for NRCC which has been shared with Hickory and with Ken Jolly.  Ken needed it because he is helping us get our DNR speakers approved to appear in front of a group larger than 10. He wanted to make sure we really were going to be taking serious steps to keep everyone safe at NRCC before he put his neck out to support us. Thank you Ken!!


The Safety Plan was also passed on to Hickory because there were questions brought up by putting together the Safety Plan. Most have been answered, but there are still some things we are waiting to hear back on.


The Welcome Letter has also been updated to reflect Covid-19 requirements for this year. There will be a follow-up letter later in the Summer with more details about the requirements.


I found out today that the touchless thermometers we will need at Camp are going to be provided by DNR. Thank you very much again, Ken Jolly!!!  We will be taking temperatures of Campers and Staff every morning, along with everyone doing a daily check list of symptoms.


Everything is still changing and hopefully for the better. So, the Safety Plan remains a work in progress. It will be revised as new information becomes available.


I think I sent everyone the Safety Plan for our February meeting. I’m attaching it again, there have been some changes made. The Welcome Letter is also attached.  There will be a lot of information about Camp & Covid at Tuesday’s meeting. The Boards will need to talk about Covid-19 with the applicants we interview. If applicants aren’t interested in fulfilling all the Safety requirements, the Boards need to know at the interview or very shortly after.


One of the requirements is being tested for Covid-19 within 72 hours of coming to NRCC. If they test positive they can’t attend. Anyone who comes to Camp is required to bring the negative test result with them.


Dawn Balinski is sending out statewide applicant updates periodically and everyone should be receiving those.  If you are not, let Tom know.


Website Update:


Ron reported that he updated the website as follows:


He has used the new Big Tree Website for checking validity of MD Champ Trees in Cecil County.  We have currently 23 champs/co-champs.  We will have to update the Norway Maple.  Found two typos during my checking - our Champ BT-535 is listed as BT-53, and the species name molisima is once misspelled as molissima


He has added February minutes and March Agenda to our website.


New Business:


Kathie reported that she and her husband watched a Judi Dench documentary on trees last week that we really enjoyed:


Tom reported:


  The ENSP harvest is going very slow because of poor/wet soil conditions.  Hopefully drier weather is predicted.


  E & S Plan reviews are periodically being received. 



Next Meeting:                        April 7, 2021